Trends Of Marketing

Marketing has evolved as one of the most critical function in the organization. With the dynamic changes in the market conditions and customer behavior marketers needs to make strategic decisions accordingly. With the advent of the of technological innovation and digitization in the 21st century marketing in 21st century has also seen various trends.

Marketing in the 21st Century is no more about the product but about relationship building with the customers. Today with the advancement in the digital technology information are readily available to the customers and they are more vocal. Today customers look for personalization and attention from their brands. The marketers needs to adapt to the same. With the introduction and the popularity of e-commerce customers today have a wider choice and they can shop and get it delivered at their convenience . Today the customer journey do not end with purchase but the post purchase experience matters to. The post purchase experience & reviews of one customer (Third Moment of Truth) can be the “zero moment of truth” for a new customer. Thus marketers today need to strategize their accordingly and plan to keep a seamless customer experience across all touch points.

Below mentioned are few trends that has been noted in the 21st century and the marketers today should keep in mind the same.

Digital Marketing:

It goes without saying that with the introduction of technology and with the change in purchase beahaviour marketing today is no more about targeting the mass but creating the niche and developing a relationship with the customers. With the rise in digital media it is more about creating a connect, developing a realtionship with the TG, understanding their needs and being actively enagaged with them. Social media plays a crucial role in the marketing strategy today.

Data Analysis :

With digital age coming in data driven marketing has become the need of the house. Analysis multiple data available to the marketer and understanding their customers better to create relevant communication, While the amount of data keeps growing it becomes important for the new age marketer to understand, analysis and draw inference and develop a strong customer insight which eventually helps them in creating the connect and relationship with the TG and give them an edge of their competitor.

Go through the link below to understand the power of data driven marketing .

Influencer Marketing:

As stated earlier today customers look for more customization, in the technology age today customers believe the reviews and feedback of an influencer more than advertisements on print or TV. Influencer marketing is again to create connect and engagement with the TG. Here the marketer needs to be strategic in choosing the right influencer depending on the product and the TG which eventually will lead to successful engagement and dialogues.

In fact, in 2017, the #1 platform for influencers was Instagram, with a staggering 92% share.

Also check how Duroflex created the #7hoursmarathon campiagn succesfull with help of their influenecr Milind Soman

Video Marketing:

When researching a purchase decision, 4 out of 5 millennials go to video content. With so many video adaptive product launched in the market it goes without saying that video content has been able to generate the highest engagement among the audience in this century.

The VIVO “Shine in the Dark” had received the 55 million views and thousands of engagements, The ad featuring super star Aamir Khan has short and simple storyline of 30 sec which connected with the audience.

Content Marketing:

Story telling and relevant high quality content helps build the brand in the mind of the consumers. High quality content also helps the brand to rank higher in google search, bing , yahoo and other search medium. Quality content in the 21st century helps create the brand visibility, create the brand identity persuade the customers on considering the product and the eventually in their decision making.

Kia Motors created an impactful content strategy with then help of Isobar to announce their launch in India, keeping in mind the millennial target audience. The “Badass by Design ” was very well communicated with help of engaging and innovative content, storytelling across social media. Read more in details below.

Traditional Marketing:

Traditional marketing is not dead, with the introduction of technology. A perfect mix of online, offline media will help marketers reach the right target audience and optimise their cost of marketing.

Analyze the data available to you, reach out to the target audience at the right place, converse with them on their topics of interest and eventually optimize the cost of marketing generating maximum ROI (Return of Interest).

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